I love reading and I read any chance I get, but I do other things other than read, surprisingly. One thing I love to do is hang out with my family. My family is really close and we are always doing things together. I have a brother and a sister along with my parents. They always support me and they are an awesome group of people.

Another thing I like to do is watch hockey. I love hockey and my family is definitely a hockey family. My brother has been playing since he was like 5 (he is now almost 18). Going on hockey
tournaments has really pulled my family together. I love watching him play now and I also love watching the pros duke it out. My favorite team is the Blues because I'm a STL girl. And what hockey fan doesn't have a favorite player? My favorite player is Mr. Alexander Steen :) I also like Jaden Schwartz because he is good and we share the same last name.

One thing I really enjoy doing, maybe not as much as watching hockey, is making things with

DuckTape. When I was a senior in high school I was taking a arts and craft class and one day we made a guy wallet out of clear boxing tape and newspaper. I was so good at it and I made like three in one period while my classmates only had time for one. I decided that DuckTape would be sturdier and last longer. I made my first one and it was a little rough to say the least and it nearly took me 2 1/2 hours! Now I make them in 45min or less, I haven't really timed myself. I also make girl wallets and, personally, I love them! I have made many with different colors of tape. I've made one with poke a dots and purple, camo and bright
orange, Mizzou and blue jean, 'I <3 Bacon' and black, glow-in-the-dark Batman and purple and many other combos. I love my 'I <3 Bacon' one because it reminds me of Mr. Dante

Walker from The Collector. In addition to wallets I have made bows for my hair and purses. Bows are pretty easy to make and they are also fast to make. Purses on the other hand are complicated and take a lot of time and tape, but,
when I am done, they are awesome and sturdy. Here are a couple:
So that's it family, hockey and DuckTape :) What do you love to do? Other than reading of course!
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