It has been awhile since posting and I have been quite busy! I got a new job, started yet another semester of college and have been reading like crazy trying to keep up with all my favorite authors' books. In addition I made time for my family and friends. So what books have I been reading lately?

I have recently finished Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. Throughout The Infernal Devices, although not proud to say this, I hoped that Jem was going to pass on and leave Tessa with Will and they would live happily ever after. I don't know what it is about Jem, but I just wasn't a fan of, but I just wanted him to leave. I didn't hate him, but wanted him to pass on peacefully and without hurting anyone. Another thing that kind of made me a little(minuscule) sad and less into the books is that Tessa doesn't use her 'gift' as much. That was one of the things that pulled me into this series and made it that much better and Clare lost some of that in this one. This book has SO many emotions that whip through the reader and I was all over the place with my emotions, but in a good way. The best part of this whole series, and I'll even put in the best part of the Mortal Instruments, is the ending. BEST. ENDING. EVER!! I have read many book series and none of them have endings that can compare to this ending!! This ending was beautiful and intense and just...awwwwe!! I have never cried while reading a book ever and I cried at least three times if not more! I am truly holding myself back to not write anything that will ruin the ending for those of you that have not read it, but let me just say one thing...I am awed by Jem. That is all I can not say anything else on the matter! Go read it! Seriously, why are you still reading this?
Okay if you are still reading this and/or have read Clockwork Princess, let's move on to the last book I have read shall we?

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire. This book is ridiculous. In a good way of course! I love this book and the characters are great. First is Abby, aka Pigeon. She is quite, reserved and is always with her best friend, America. I love America! She is great and the two of them together are awesome. And then we come to the boys...Since I want to save the best for last let's talk about Shep. I love Shep and Shep and America together! I think it's funny how she is so head over heals for her and just together they are perfect. Then there's Travis. Gosh...seriously I don't know where to begin! He is a
fighter and has tats, which are totally hot! To add to his bad boy profile he drives a Harley, although I'm not a fan of Harleys I am a fan of motorcycles so the type/brand/make can be over looked. Through Abby's point of view Travis is annoying and a total...guy, you know being a jerk and drinking because he's mad or beating up a guy for just a small remark made, but she is completely and totally in love with him and just denies it. In addition to Travis he has four other brothers that I think is a great touch to this book. I also think that Travis's dad also brings something extra to the book. Through the book there is some back and forth and 'I hate you's and 'I love you's, but it works. One this I truly love and cant seem to fathom how perfect it is, is the title! Beautiful Disaster is the PERFECT title for this great book! If you like simple romance novels I would recommend you check this one out! It's totally worth reading.
The book I am reading now is Walking Disaster, which is the second on of Beautiful Disaster. When I heard that this book was from Travis's point of view but the same book(story line) as the first, I became nervous but excited too. At the beginning of this book, believe it or not, I thought Travis was a totally moosh and he lost all of the hotness. Although he kept his love for Pidge to himself, he just sounded like a total...softy? bitch? LOL Well I am almost done with it and I am excited to see how this whole thing pans out from Trav's side. He has turned into a not so bitchy guy and is more of a sweet Trav Pidge deserves, but he still has that fighter, wild side to him which is always hot!
What have you been reading? What hotty has captured your dreams lately?