I love these books :)
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The Liberator by Victoria Scott
FINNLLY I'm finished!!! Classes and Work slowed me down a bunch and after too many days, 12, I have finally finished this awesome book! I was really worried about Aspen and how her and Dante were going to work out and I loved how Victoria made sure, from the first time meeting Aspen, that her and Dante were never going to be more than just friends. I love how she is kind of a sister figure for Dante and I think he needs someone like her. Flatbread, like always, hott is this book. There are several things he compares to inappropriate things. For example, the mountains. If you have read this book you know what he compares them to. I kept laughingI kept because throughout the book I kept remembering that part lmao. Dante makes this book so amazing and his personality just makes me melt and turn into a little girl crushing on the boy at recess. As for Charlie...Charlie is awesome and always will be. Kraven...I love him too, he is just and Annabelle lmao love her!! Max and Red are amazing like always...Blue...well Blue is kinda annoying me and I and liking him less and less. I don't really know why this is but it just is what it is. The only thing that kinda...bothers me is the part when they figure out Charlie and Aspen are what they are (trying not to spoil anything). It seems abrupt and thrown together real quick. Maybe it's how I was reading it or I was just really excited to finish this awesome book. I might have, psychologically, known this all along or seen it coming. Either way I love this book and it was definitely not a disappointment. As always Victoria is brilliant and has made another amazing book :)
Friday, August 23, 2013
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Movie Review
Okay so if you are I. the reading family you know great The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones movie came out Wednesday!!! I am happy to say it didn't disappoint me as much as I thought it would.
First is the obvious casting mistakes. Before seeing this movie I thought the casting was bad and that they could have easily picked better people for the leads and supporting actors/actresses. After seeing the movie I was actually quite pleased at the acting, aside from Lilly Collins I still think that was a mistake. I really liked how Alec, even though he didn't have very many lines, he really made the character be just like he was in the book. Isabelle was a total badass and was awesome!! I have to say she was my fav character in the movie, the actress did amazing! Simon...well I love Simon in the book and I love him in the movie. He brings goofiness and just something extra and the actor did an amazing job! He was the one actor, the only one really, that I was happy with prior to seeing the movie. Luke. Luke was good he wasn't in it as much and I just wish he had a little more because, I thought, he is really important in the books. Both Church and Chairman Meow weren't in the movie which disappointed me greatly because I really think Church is important!
Moving on...The story line of the movie was good although the order of the events, compare to the book, were all mixed up and rearranged. This confused me greatly and throughout the movie I kept thinking 'Oh my gosh! Why did they skip that part?' and then after watching more of it the part they skipped was later in the movie. It was just weird. The 'creatures' throughout the movie were not what I thought they would look like from reading the description in the book. For example, the demon in Clary's house after her mom was taken, totally not right and stupid. The Silent Brothers were not the quiet sounding beings I thought they would be. They didn't glide and their voices sounded deeper and rougher than I thought they would've been. I was thinking more of a quiet whisper and them floating soundlessly. The vampires though were good, but who could mess up vampires? Twilight. That's who.
Overall the movie was good. It is better when I think about the movie completely separate from the book. This is what I do with the Beautiful Creatures book and movie and I enjoy both.
MUST SEE!! You have to get up and go see it right now! If you've already seen it...GO SEE IT AGAIN!!
Tell me what did you think of it?
*I have now seen it four times and LOVE it. Everytime I see it i notice more things that I hadnt the previous times. If you haven't seen it GO SEE IT!!
DECEMBER 3rd is when it will be released on digital copy and DVD! :)

Moving on...The story line of the movie was good although the order of the events, compare to the book, were all mixed up and rearranged. This confused me greatly and throughout the movie I kept thinking 'Oh my gosh! Why did they skip that part?' and then after watching more of it the part they skipped was later in the movie. It was just weird. The 'creatures' throughout the movie were not what I thought they would look like from reading the description in the book. For example, the demon in Clary's house after her mom was taken, totally not right and stupid. The Silent Brothers were not the quiet sounding beings I thought they would be. They didn't glide and their voices sounded deeper and rougher than I thought they would've been. I was thinking more of a quiet whisper and them floating soundlessly. The vampires though were good, but who could mess up vampires? Twilight. That's who.
Overall the movie was good. It is better when I think about the movie completely separate from the book. This is what I do with the Beautiful Creatures book and movie and I enjoy both.
MUST SEE!! You have to get up and go see it right now! If you've already seen it...GO SEE IT AGAIN!!
Tell me what did you think of it?
*I have now seen it four times and LOVE it. Everytime I see it i notice more things that I hadnt the previous times. If you haven't seen it GO SEE IT!!
DECEMBER 3rd is when it will be released on digital copy and DVD! :)
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
It has been way too long...
It has been awhile since posting and I have been quite busy! I got a new job, started yet another semester of college and have been reading like crazy trying to keep up with all my favorite authors' books. In addition I made time for my family and friends. So what books have I been reading lately?
I have recently finished Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. Throughout The Infernal Devices, although not proud to say this, I hoped that Jem was going to pass on and leave Tessa with Will and they would live happily ever after. I don't know what it is about Jem, but I just wasn't a fan of, but I just wanted him to leave. I didn't hate him, but wanted him to pass on peacefully and without hurting anyone. Another thing that kind of made me a little(minuscule) sad and less into the books is that Tessa doesn't use her 'gift' as much. That was one of the things that pulled me into this series and made it that much better and Clare lost some of that in this one. This book has SO many emotions that whip through the reader and I was all over the place with my emotions, but in a good way. The best part of this whole series, and I'll even put in the best part of the Mortal Instruments, is the ending. BEST. ENDING. EVER!! I have read many book series and none of them have endings that can compare to this ending!! This ending was beautiful and intense and just...awwwwe!! I have never cried while reading a book ever and I cried at least three times if not more! I am truly holding myself back to not write anything that will ruin the ending for those of you that have not read it, but let me just say one thing...I am awed by Jem. That is all I can not say anything else on the matter! Go read it! Seriously, why are you still reading this?
Okay if you are still reading this and/or have read Clockwork Princess, let's move on to the last book I have read shall we?
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire. This book is ridiculous. In a good way of course! I love this book and the characters are great. First is Abby, aka Pigeon. She is quite, reserved and is always with her best friend, America. I love America! She is great and the two of them together are awesome. And then we come to the boys...Since I want to save the best for last let's talk about Shep. I love Shep and Shep and America together! I think it's funny how she is so head over heals for her and just together they are perfect. Then there's Travis. Gosh...seriously I don't know where to begin! He is a
fighter and has tats, which are totally hot! To add to his bad boy profile he drives a Harley, although I'm not a fan of Harleys I am a fan of motorcycles so the type/brand/make can be over looked. Through Abby's point of view Travis is annoying and a total...guy, you know being a jerk and drinking because he's mad or beating up a guy for just a small remark made, but she is completely and totally in love with him and just denies it. In addition to Travis he has four other brothers that I think is a great touch to this book. I also think that Travis's dad also brings something extra to the book. Through the book there is some back and forth and 'I hate you's and 'I love you's, but it works. One this I truly love and cant seem to fathom how perfect it is, is the title! Beautiful Disaster is the PERFECT title for this great book! If you like simple romance novels I would recommend you check this one out! It's totally worth reading.
The book I am reading now is Walking Disaster, which is the second on of Beautiful Disaster. When I heard that this book was from Travis's point of view but the same book(story line) as the first, I became nervous but excited too. At the beginning of this book, believe it or not, I thought Travis was a totally moosh and he lost all of the hotness. Although he kept his love for Pidge to himself, he just sounded like a total...softy? bitch? LOL Well I am almost done with it and I am excited to see how this whole thing pans out from Trav's side. He has turned into a not so bitchy guy and is more of a sweet Trav Pidge deserves, but he still has that fighter, wild side to him which is always hot!
What have you been reading? What hotty has captured your dreams lately?

Okay if you are still reading this and/or have read Clockwork Princess, let's move on to the last book I have read shall we?

fighter and has tats, which are totally hot! To add to his bad boy profile he drives a Harley, although I'm not a fan of Harleys I am a fan of motorcycles so the type/brand/make can be over looked. Through Abby's point of view Travis is annoying and a total...guy, you know being a jerk and drinking because he's mad or beating up a guy for just a small remark made, but she is completely and totally in love with him and just denies it. In addition to Travis he has four other brothers that I think is a great touch to this book. I also think that Travis's dad also brings something extra to the book. Through the book there is some back and forth and 'I hate you's and 'I love you's, but it works. One this I truly love and cant seem to fathom how perfect it is, is the title! Beautiful Disaster is the PERFECT title for this great book! If you like simple romance novels I would recommend you check this one out! It's totally worth reading.
The book I am reading now is Walking Disaster, which is the second on of Beautiful Disaster. When I heard that this book was from Travis's point of view but the same book(story line) as the first, I became nervous but excited too. At the beginning of this book, believe it or not, I thought Travis was a totally moosh and he lost all of the hotness. Although he kept his love for Pidge to himself, he just sounded like a total...softy? bitch? LOL Well I am almost done with it and I am excited to see how this whole thing pans out from Trav's side. He has turned into a not so bitchy guy and is more of a sweet Trav Pidge deserves, but he still has that fighter, wild side to him which is always hot!
What have you been reading? What hotty has captured your dreams lately?
Friday, August 2, 2013
What do I do when my nose isnt stuck in a book?
I love reading and I read any chance I get, but I do other things other than read, surprisingly. One thing I love to do is hang out with my family. My family is really close and we are always doing things together. I have a brother and a sister along with my parents. They always support me and they are an awesome group of people.
Another thing I like to do is watch hockey. I love hockey and my family is definitely a hockey family. My brother has been playing since he was like 5 (he is now almost 18). Going on hockey
tournaments has really pulled my family together. I love watching him play now and I also love watching the pros duke it out. My favorite team is the Blues because I'm a STL girl. And what hockey fan doesn't have a favorite player? My favorite player is Mr. Alexander Steen :) I also like Jaden Schwartz because he is good and we share the same last name.
One thing I really enjoy doing, maybe not as much as watching hockey, is making things with
DuckTape. When I was a senior in high school I was taking a arts and craft class and one day we made a guy wallet out of clear boxing tape and newspaper. I was so good at it and I made like three in one period while my classmates only had time for one. I decided that DuckTape would be sturdier and last longer. I made my first one and it was a little rough to say the least and it nearly took me 2 1/2 hours! Now I make them in 45min or less, I haven't really timed myself. I also make girl wallets and, personally, I love them! I have made many with different colors of tape. I've made one with poke a dots and purple, camo and bright
orange, Mizzou and blue jean, 'I <3 Bacon' and black, glow-in-the-dark Batman and purple and many other combos. I love my 'I <3 Bacon' one because it reminds me of Mr. Dante
Walker from The Collector. In addition to wallets I have made bows for my hair and purses. Bows are pretty easy to make and they are also fast to make. Purses on the other hand are complicated and take a lot of time and tape, but,
when I am done, they are awesome and sturdy. Here are a couple:

tournaments has really pulled my family together. I love watching him play now and I also love watching the pros duke it out. My favorite team is the Blues because I'm a STL girl. And what hockey fan doesn't have a favorite player? My favorite player is Mr. Alexander Steen :) I also like Jaden Schwartz because he is good and we share the same last name.

orange, Mizzou and blue jean, 'I <3 Bacon' and black, glow-in-the-dark Batman and purple and many other combos. I love my 'I <3 Bacon' one because it reminds me of Mr. Dante

when I am done, they are awesome and sturdy. Here are a couple:
So that's it family, hockey and DuckTape :) What do you love to do? Other than reading of course!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Crescendo Review
Overall review:
I really didn't like the back and forth nonsense that was going on with Nora. She loves him and wants to be close to him and the nest second she's all 'I don't need him I can be independent.'. She pushes him away and is all 'I cant love you because the archangels, blah, blah, blah'. Of course I just don't finish a book so I finished reading. I really didn't agree with the angle and path Becca went down with this book. I am not gonna spoil anything but I didn't agree with the people that turned out to be on the other side of the 'war'.
In addition to Nora being all 'I love him' and 'I cant love him', she seemed different and more of a how should I put it...a pansy. I really liked that Nora in Hush, Hush was all brave and moving forward with little resistance, but in this book she turns around and is nothing like the person in Hush, Hush.
I can not forget Patch. I was really sad that it seemed to me that Patch was barely in this book! Truthfully, the only reason I kept reading was to figure out what Patch was going to do. I still love Patch, but I don't know if he is going to be enough for me to keep going with this series.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Hush, Hush Review
I have got to say I love this book! This was yet another book that my best friend recommended for me a while back but never gotten around to it until now. I have got to say I love Patch and who wouldn't? He of course is a bad boy and very vague. All of the characters are great and well described. I love Nora's best friend Vee!
For me many things held my attention and made me not want to put this book down. First is of course Patch. He is dark and mysterious and who doesn't love mysterious? Second was Nora. I really loved this girl. She is not like me at all and I love how she made this book so great. In addition what girl isn't complete without her best friend? No girl. I love Vee and she is great throughout this book. This book made me laugh many times and made me very curious. Another thing that made this book great was the ending. Oh my goodness the ending was just...awe. Great ending! I just really enjoyed this book and I would strongly suggest to you to read it!
Here is the synapse:
Next up in the Hush, Hush Saga is Crescendo.
For me many things held my attention and made me not want to put this book down. First is of course Patch. He is dark and mysterious and who doesn't love mysterious? Second was Nora. I really loved this girl. She is not like me at all and I love how she made this book so great. In addition what girl isn't complete without her best friend? No girl. I love Vee and she is great throughout this book. This book made me laugh many times and made me very curious. Another thing that made this book great was the ending. Oh my goodness the ending was just...awe. Great ending! I just really enjoyed this book and I would strongly suggest to you to read it!
Here is the synapse:
For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch came along.
With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment.
But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure who to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.
For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life.
Next up in the Hush, Hush Saga is Crescendo.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Here it is!! Victoria Scott's new Tril starts out with Fire & Flood! I have got to say when I first laid eyes on this I was so taken away and left breathless. I think this cover is intense and really cool. This is a teen thriller and will be published by Scholastic, March 2014.
Here is the description taken off Victoria's website:
In a perilous race across the world, having the best Pandora can be the difference between life and death.
Sixteen-year-old Tella Holloway isn’t happy. Her mother rushed them out of Boston and into a craptastic house nestled in Middle of Nowhere, Montana. To make matters worse, Tella’s brother is sick, and though a dozen doctors can’t determine the cause, her mother is sure Montana’s “fresh air” will help. Now Tella spends her days being homeschooled, and uses her imagination as entertainment.
But when a small blue box appears on her bed, Tella’s world is rocked. Inside the strange package she finds a white ear bud—and after she fits it into place and touches its blinking button—an unknown voice fills her head. Tella is invited to join the Brimstone Bleed, a race across four ecosystems: desert, sea, mountains, jungle. The voice in Tella’s ear explains she has 48 hours to retrieve her Pandora, an animal genetically designed to help her win.
Tella has never been the sporty type; she’s more a cheerleader than an athlete. But despite her mother’s warnings, she’s determined to compete in the race. And she’ll do anything to win, because if Tella is the Brimstone Bleed victor, she’ll be granted a specific gift—the cure to save her brother’s life.
FIRE & FLOOD is a teen thriller set in modern day.
- See more at: http://www.victoriascottya.com/work/brimstone/#sthash.FfpPzpQZ.dpuf
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Can't Get It Out of My Head
Okay so have you every been so hooked on a book that you can't stop thinking about it? Yep that is me with Victoria Scott's The Collector. Ever since it's release in April I can not get away from it. I try reading something else but I just keep thinking about Dante, Charlie, Blue, Annabelle, Max, and Valery a.k.a. Red. Every other book it seems that I reread it. My two favorite things that make me think about The Collector are cats and bacon. Yeah if you haven't read the book you wouldn't understand, but both about Dante and both make me smile and laugh. It might sound as though I am obsessed. Well I like good books so I guess you can call me obsessed. One thing that I absolutely love the most, besides Dante of course, is that Victoria wrote this from Dante's POV. This is one of the things that sets it apart from the many, many books on my shelves. The more I read this awesome book the more I admire and fall in love with the details with in the writing. I write a whole novel on why I love and enjoy this wonderful book but I am going to encourage you to go out rent, buy, borrow, sneak-a-peek of this book. I am certain that you will enjoy it!!
In the mean time what is that one book that you've fallen in love with? What is that one book that you think about often and can't get out of your head?
In the mean time what is that one book that you've fallen in love with? What is that one book that you think about often and can't get out of your head?
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
My Kindle Fire HD
I am excited to say that I just got a Kindle Fire HD!! I love it! I was so excited when I got it from the UPS man :)
There are many reasons why I have chosen the Kindle Fire HD as my ereader. First, I have a Nook 1st gen. I do not like it and I am not particularly fond of B&N. I loved Borders before they went under and often bought books weekly. Now I only get books if B&N emails out coupons and if there is a book release from my favorite authors. In addition, I have seen many, many deals and ebook sales on amazon and hardly any on B&N. I also decided upon a Kindle Fire HD beacause it's a tablet too. I have put movies, music and of course books. I have no problems with my Kindle and I absolutely love it!! The loading speed is incredible! The speakers are phenomenal! They are loud and they do not at all sound bad turned all the way up.
I recommend the Kindle Fire HD. It is fast, loud, and you can put anything you'd need on it!
There are many reasons why I have chosen the Kindle Fire HD as my ereader. First, I have a Nook 1st gen. I do not like it and I am not particularly fond of B&N. I loved Borders before they went under and often bought books weekly. Now I only get books if B&N emails out coupons and if there is a book release from my favorite authors. In addition, I have seen many, many deals and ebook sales on amazon and hardly any on B&N. I also decided upon a Kindle Fire HD beacause it's a tablet too. I have put movies, music and of course books. I have no problems with my Kindle and I absolutely love it!! The loading speed is incredible! The speakers are phenomenal! They are loud and they do not at all sound bad turned all the way up.
I recommend the Kindle Fire HD. It is fast, loud, and you can put anything you'd need on it!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Here is an excerpt from The Liberator by Victoria Scott. I absolutely LOVE The Collector and this excerpt is awesome! And I LOVE Max! He is so goofy and just brings light to the conversation. As always I also LOVE Dante! I can not wait until this book comes out!
Excerpt from THE LIBERTOR
By Victoria Scott
When I open my eyes, the sun is
trying to murder me. It’s shining on my face and making my head pound. Or maybe
it’s my hangover that’s giving me the headache, but nonetheless—me and the
sun?—we’re not on friendly terms.
Charlie murmurs
beside me. My arms are still wrapped around her waist, and I suddenly realize I
must have crashed out in her bed last night. If Grams wakes up and finds me
here, she’ll run me a bath…and toss in the toaster.
babe,” I whisper.
hot stuff,” a distinctly male voice responds.
whip around, my heart racing, and find Max sitting in a chair across the
room. “You look so hot when you first
wake up,” he says. He raises a hand to his hair. “Got that whole sexy bed head
thing going on.”
doesn’t even move from her place, but I feel her laughing against me. “Your
friend is kind of creepy, Dante,” she manages.
what the hell are you doing in here?” I ask, pulling the covers farther up even
though I’m (regretfully) fully-clothed.
question is, why did I wait so long to join you guys?” Max stands from his
chair and cocks his head. A mischievous smile crawls across his face.
I say, trying to appear serious. “Don’t even think about it, dude.”
starts running in place, his smile widening farther until he looks deranged.
“Ready or not!” Before I can stop him, Max races toward the bed and dives on
top of us. “Oh! Oh it feels even better than I imagined.” He rolls back and
forth across our bodies as Charlie laughs and I wonder why I’m friends with
such a raging idiot.
all my strength, I grab Max’s shirt and rotate him toward the edge. He falls
off the side, his arms pin-wheeling. There’s a loud thud, and then nothing.
I wait for
several seconds before leaning over to search for him. Max is lying face down
on the floor, his arms and legs curled like a dead spider. “You’re not really
hurt,” I say.
think you gave me spinal bifida. You need to call someone.”
a genetic disorder,” I respond with a sigh, collapsing back onto my pillow. A
second later, he raises his head very, very
slowly up from the side of the bed. It’s one of the more unsettling things he’s
ever done. “Max, is there a purpose to
this visit?” I ask. I want so badly to act like he’s annoying me. But he knows,
and I know, that we both love this game: the one where I pretend he’s a pain in
my ass, and he acts like a damn circus clown.
stands up, crosses the room, and plops back down in the chair. “Valery sent
throw an arm across my eyes. “Of course she did.” Beside me, Charlie moves to
get up and I immediately reach for her. She squeals and wiggles out of my
watch as she walks around the bed and ruffles Max’s hair. The twenty-eight year
old pants like a dog. It’s a bit disturbing considering Charlie’s seventeen.
She eyes me with a grin. “I’ll make waffles.”
My face lights
“Yes,” she
continues. “And bacon.”
I glance at Max
and nod toward Charlie. “That’s my girl.”
straight,” he says.
“I’m still
making breakfast for your birthday,” I call after Charlie. Then, looking at
Max, I add, “My girl’s going to be legal soon.”
Max says,
What have you been reading?
I haven't been reading quite as much as I usually do. I am in college and I have finals and last minute projects due. I also just graduated with my associates. I know, not really a big deal, right? Wrong. This is my first big step since high school and I am ready to start on my next step and become someone who can help people, however small it'll be, and become a teacher. Teachers are more important that I'd thought and I am ready to make a difference in people's lives.
Moving on, I did get around to a few books. I did get to reading The Elite by Kiera Cass. This book really gave me whiplash with all of the love triangle drama going on. I LOVED The Selection and couldn't wait until The Elite came out! When it finally did, I couldn't wait to open it and start reading! Although there is SO much love triangle drama, I couldn't put the book down! All I wanted was to see what happens and who she chose in the end. I am not going to spill anything but throughout the first book, and the second, I was rooting for Maxon. Sorry, but prince trumps life time crush for me.
Another book that I have recently read was Clockwork Angel. I have read the first four The Mortal Instruments books and my best friend really wanted me to read the prequel so I said 'why not?'. I LOVED this book and I have to say I love the characters and the story better than The Mortal Instraments'. I don't know what it is, but I love prequels! There is SO much I can say about this book, but I am going to encourage you to go out and find out about the shadowhunters' world.
Speaking of prequels, another prequel that I absolutely fell in love with was Rise: a Nightshade Novel by Andrea Cremer. I didn't know how this book was going to go and I was a little intrigued. This book is amazing and it really isn't very much like the other Nightshade novels, which surprised me. I fell in love with this book after the first couple of pages! I absolutely love this book! Then the second prequel book came out, Rise, and for the life of me I can not get into it! I don't know what it is! It might have been that I had gotten a rush of books and I wanted to read other books, but whatever it was I just couldn't jump into the Nightshade world again. I wont give up on it though! I always finish books that I've started and this will be no exception!
At this time I am reading Fall of Night (Morganville #14) by Rachel Caine. I love this series and will always come back to it when I don't feel like reading anything else. This was the first series of books I had gotten into and I still love them the same! The characters in these books are like family and I am going to miss them when the 15th, and final book, comes out, but the good thing about books is that you can always go visit again :) Back to the book...I was SO excited to get this book!! I was so ready for a book all about Claire and, especially, Mr. Shane Collins! I am so pleased that Claire stood up to Shane and decided enough was enough and decided to 'take a break'. I understand why Shane didn't trust Claire because, well, he's Shane and he has trust issues. She needed to get away from him and got to MIT, which I knew wasn't the brightest idea she's ever had. And of course Shane couldn't let her go, 'cuz come on he's Shane! Although I am not all the way finished with this book I can tell I'm not gonna like how its going to end, but its Morganville so that's normal.
So that is what I've been reading. What adventures have you've been one lately? What characters have you befriended?
Moving on, I did get around to a few books. I did get to reading The Elite by Kiera Cass. This book really gave me whiplash with all of the love triangle drama going on. I LOVED The Selection and couldn't wait until The Elite came out! When it finally did, I couldn't wait to open it and start reading! Although there is SO much love triangle drama, I couldn't put the book down! All I wanted was to see what happens and who she chose in the end. I am not going to spill anything but throughout the first book, and the second, I was rooting for Maxon. Sorry, but prince trumps life time crush for me.
Another book that I have recently read was Clockwork Angel. I have read the first four The Mortal Instruments books and my best friend really wanted me to read the prequel so I said 'why not?'. I LOVED this book and I have to say I love the characters and the story better than The Mortal Instraments'. I don't know what it is, but I love prequels! There is SO much I can say about this book, but I am going to encourage you to go out and find out about the shadowhunters' world.
Speaking of prequels, another prequel that I absolutely fell in love with was Rise: a Nightshade Novel by Andrea Cremer. I didn't know how this book was going to go and I was a little intrigued. This book is amazing and it really isn't very much like the other Nightshade novels, which surprised me. I fell in love with this book after the first couple of pages! I absolutely love this book! Then the second prequel book came out, Rise, and for the life of me I can not get into it! I don't know what it is! It might have been that I had gotten a rush of books and I wanted to read other books, but whatever it was I just couldn't jump into the Nightshade world again. I wont give up on it though! I always finish books that I've started and this will be no exception!
At this time I am reading Fall of Night (Morganville #14) by Rachel Caine. I love this series and will always come back to it when I don't feel like reading anything else. This was the first series of books I had gotten into and I still love them the same! The characters in these books are like family and I am going to miss them when the 15th, and final book, comes out, but the good thing about books is that you can always go visit again :) Back to the book...I was SO excited to get this book!! I was so ready for a book all about Claire and, especially, Mr. Shane Collins! I am so pleased that Claire stood up to Shane and decided enough was enough and decided to 'take a break'. I understand why Shane didn't trust Claire because, well, he's Shane and he has trust issues. She needed to get away from him and got to MIT, which I knew wasn't the brightest idea she's ever had. And of course Shane couldn't let her go, 'cuz come on he's Shane! Although I am not all the way finished with this book I can tell I'm not gonna like how its going to end, but its Morganville so that's normal.
So that is what I've been reading. What adventures have you've been one lately? What characters have you befriended?
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins
P.S. Sweet Peril will always be Sweet Hope (original name) to me :)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Collector By Victoria Scott
I have been waiting what seems like forever to get my hands on The Collector by Victoria Scott! I finally got my copy in the mail a couple of days ago and read it any chance I got. Last night I finished it and I sat it down and just...stared at it. I've got to say this book was awesome! My first thought on this book was finally there is a book from the guy's POV! My second thought was that Dante is just a jerk and I didn't really like his attitude at all. Well lets just say I was crying for him by the end of the book. He turned out to be very sweet, but while still being the jerk he started out being. Someone had to turn his 'tude around. Which brings me to Charlie. Well to start out with Charlie is an amazing character. She is so pure and nice. The way Dante described her it was just breath taking and at first I was like seriously, Dante, why are you such a jerk but at the end I was like now you see her, finally you see. Charlie is just so different than any other character I've read, although I can see Anna from Sweet Evil being friends with her. Victoria just adds a fresh new story to my bookshelf. I have added The Collector to my top 5 list. Have you read The Collector? What did you think of it?
Friday, February 22, 2013
What authors would you love to meet?
There are many books and many brilliant writers I would love to meet and talk to. One of the many is Rachel Caine. I don't know how she does it. How she has captured me for 13 books and still going. Her characters are awesome and the story lines are exciting and intense. I would just LOVE to talk to her all day about her books and the characters with in them.
Another radiant writer is Cassandra Clare. I was encouraged to read her books from my best friend for several years before I finally read the first one and then I couldn't put them down! I have no idea how she has made this world of Shadow hunters and Darkworlders! The adventures throughout her books are attention grabbing and I never wanted the books to end. My friend has since has told me "I told you so!" and told me to never doubt her again on her books she suggests me to read.
The one author I would absolutely enjoy and would LOVE, above all the writers, to talk to would be Wendy Higgins! Her writing is just brilliant, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, astonishing, etc.! I have read Sweet Evil many, many times and could read it for a long time coming! The characters and story is just...ahhhhh! I <3 Kia! He is amazingly shaped and Sweet Evil is jammed packed with the biggest adventure I couldn't believe that much story could be packed in that book! And everything is just...awesome! I can't wait til Sweet Peril!!!
April 10, 2013
I have just read The Collector by Victoria Scott and I have to add her to my list of authors I would love to meet! She seems so awesome and The Collector is so brilliantly written. I always wish I could write good/ creatively but it just doesn't work for me. I write I just would never publish :) Which is just fine with me.
Another radiant writer is Cassandra Clare. I was encouraged to read her books from my best friend for several years before I finally read the first one and then I couldn't put them down! I have no idea how she has made this world of Shadow hunters and Darkworlders! The adventures throughout her books are attention grabbing and I never wanted the books to end. My friend has since has told me "I told you so!" and told me to never doubt her again on her books she suggests me to read.
The one author I would absolutely enjoy and would LOVE, above all the writers, to talk to would be Wendy Higgins! Her writing is just brilliant, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, astonishing, etc.! I have read Sweet Evil many, many times and could read it for a long time coming! The characters and story is just...ahhhhh! I <3 Kia! He is amazingly shaped and Sweet Evil is jammed packed with the biggest adventure I couldn't believe that much story could be packed in that book! And everything is just...awesome! I can't wait til Sweet Peril!!!
April 10, 2013
I have just read The Collector by Victoria Scott and I have to add her to my list of authors I would love to meet! She seems so awesome and The Collector is so brilliantly written. I always wish I could write good/ creatively but it just doesn't work for me. I write I just would never publish :) Which is just fine with me.
Monday, January 28, 2013
My Fictional Hotties
Ok, so I know everyone has their favorite fictional hottie in our favorite series. What makes fictional guys SO cute? Well first they aren't real. Fictional guys are perfect in attitude and in physical appearances and the author can make the perfect guy that is rarely available in real life. I believe that there are exceptions don't get me wrong I think they are out there but available and on the market? Not likely.
What is your favorite fictional hottie? I have many myself and the list can go on and on, but I have a couple that I have completely fell head over heels for.
What is your favorite fictional hottie? I have many myself and the list can go on and on, but I have a couple that I have completely fell head over heels for.
My first hottie is in one of my all time favorite series and one of my first series I have been so lucky to stumble upon, this hottie's name is Shane Collins from the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine. Well I can go on and on about Mr. Shane Collins but one of the things I love about him is his care free lifestyle and his bad ass, 'I don't care' attitude. Another thing that makes me swoon is his love and caring side of him and that no matter what he is there to fight with them and to protect them.
My other two beefcakes are from series that I have just recently stumbled upon in the last year. The second hottie on my list is Jace Wayland? Lightwood? Morgenstern? Herondale? Well it doesn't matter, Jace from the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare is...well an ass, loudmouth, brute, and sometime a bastard but when you get past that he is loving, caring, still an ass, and well he's Jace. If you have read any of The Mortal Instruments books you know what I'm talking about.
My last and final fictional absolutely H-O-T-T babe is the one and only Kiadan Rowe from the Sweet Evil book (soon to be books in April!!). OMG even though he is fictional character Wendy Higgins is brilliant and knows how to make a hottie! I have got to say he is so...Kia. I really don't know how to explain him. He's frustrating but yet sweet, emotionless (on the outside) yet caring and loving, impudent but thoughtful. Like I said, I cant really explain him he's just good ol' Kia :)
Again I ask who is YOUR fictional hottie? Who do you wish could hold you while you sleep, fight beside you in a battle, be a bad ass but yet lovable and caring?
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