I love these books :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins

Where do I even begin!?! I didn't really know what to expect, but this was an awesome sequel to Sweet Evil! At first I was disappointed that Kaidan wasn't really in the beginning, but gosh he is just so...sexy!! I <3 this man! Like the first Sweet, this is a jammed packed book and Wendy knows how to write books filled to he top with action. There were SO many emotions going through me while reading Sweet Peril. Sadness, total happiness, confusion, heartache, and many more that words can't even begin to describe. Not going to lie I didn't really notice Blake in the first Sweet, but man did I notice him in this one! I <3 Blake! He is so funny and brings so much to this book. And Kope. Sweet Kope. I have to admit I have always been one team Kai and wasn't really a fan of Kope, but Sweet Peril he hit a place in my heart and I just was like...awe. Oh and Flynn, without spoiling anything, I loved him and it just...:'( . I absolutely loved how the Nephs all got more book time? I guess it would be. The twins, Z, Flynn, Kope, Kai and of course Anna are all wonderful and it feels as though I know them personally. Final note, this book is amazing!

P.S. Sweet Peril will always be Sweet Hope (original name) to me :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Collector By Victoria Scott

I have been waiting what seems like forever to get my hands on The Collector by Victoria Scott! I finally got my copy in the mail a couple of days ago and read it any chance I got. Last night I finished it and I sat it down and just...stared at it. I've got to say this book was awesome! My first thought on this book was finally there is a book from the guy's POV! My second thought was that Dante is just a jerk and I didn't really like his attitude at all. Well lets just say I was crying for him by the end of the book. He turned out to be very sweet, but while still being the jerk he started out being. Someone had to turn his 'tude around. Which brings me to Charlie. Well to start out with Charlie is an amazing character. She is so pure and nice. The way Dante described her it was just breath taking and at first I was like seriously, Dante, why are you such a jerk but at the end I was like now you see her, finally you see. Charlie is just so different than any other character I've read, although I can see Anna from Sweet Evil being friends with her. Victoria just adds a fresh new story to my bookshelf. I have added The Collector to my top 5 list. Have you read The Collector? What did you think of it?